Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

about Technorati

Everyone wants their website have high traffic, with my article i want share about increase visitor traffic to our blog, so that more can be known by another blogger to implement than what the seo, you should also register your blog on Technorati. .. What is Technorati? Technorati is one of the largest blog directory at this time. And functions are many, aside from being a directory blog, Technorati will work as blogsearch, tags aggregator, and online bookmarks. In addition, registering with our blog at Technorati, we can know a site / blog anywhere that link our blog.

How do I register on Technorati ..? STEP 2 follow below:
Go to technorati.com
1. Fill in the complete data and click join

2. After that, the confirmation code will appear. Pay attention to the menu. And check the email you registered at Technorati and click on the link that was given you through email. example to link to something like this:

3. The url blog entries and click the begin your claim, and finished
example to link to something like this:

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